
This is just Anya from LinkedIn...are you the person in charge of content strategy at your startup? You are? I bet you or your team are...you know...generating AI content like there's no tomorrow? 😈

Don't you just love the speed and scale of AI-generated content? 😉

So much can go right when you lean on AI for your first draft. You don't have to face the blank page. You generate content faster than you ever could. At practically zero cost. And you get free rewrites as you iterate on your queries. 😎

Yet just between us, so much can go wrong if you don't pay enough attention to your final draft. Hopefully, it's your best yet, and you don't have any robotic telltale signs or pitfalls lurking in your content. 🤔

You know...pitfalls like content that doesn't say what you mean. That's generic and wordy. Or that has the exact wrong tone for your brand or industry. Or that sounds exactly like that of your competitor. 😯

Now, your content might be totally free of these problems...but what if...? What if these problems are actually...hiding there...not easily noticeable by you or your team because you're simply too close to it? Or worse...if that content is linked to a high-profile corporate page or product launch? 😟

Do you really want to find out what your customers, partners, or competitors think? Or — Heaven forbid — what your 20k newsletter recipients think, after they've received that newsletter? 😓

Of course, on the flip side, you might actually be among the enterprises tripling their content output using AI while achieving amazing cost savings. I guess the question then becomes: Are you finding any hidden cost to those "cost savings"?

I'm curious how you feel about this and what might be causing you to have uncertainty about signing off content for publication.

If nothing but flawless content will do...

Or if you're just a little worried about what content improvement possibilities you might be missing...

Then you might want to take advantage of this limited-time free trial.

(It might not be for everyone.)

But you can check it out and see for yourself.